Android > Tools > General


HTCMirrorLink icon

Control your HTC phone from MirrorLink-enabled infotainment systems.

Bluetooth Viewer (LITE)

Bluetooth Viewer (LITE) icon

A debugging tool for programmers working with Bluetooth devices

Khmer Font Store

Khmer Font Store icon

Browse, install, and change system Khmer Unicode fonts with ease.

QR Code Scanner

QR Code Scanner icon

Change your smartphone into a powerful QR Code Reader, Barcode scanner

SailGrib WR Free 1.6.1

SailGrib WR Free 1.6.1 icon

Weather - Routing - Navigation - Marine Charts - Tides | A sailing must have


Yandex.Key icon

Key creates one-time passwords to protect your login with 2factor authentication

Bluetooth spp pro

Bluetooth spp pro icon

Bluetooth SPP client communication tools

SSRO Spy Scan

SSRO Spy Scan icon

Detect Spy App.

Tape Measure

Tape Measure icon

Tape Measure