Android > Tools > General

My GPS Coordinates

My GPS Coordinates icon

Easily share your GPS location via email, text messaging, or social media.

Network Signal

Network Signal icon

Measure your signal (2G / 3G / 4G) anywhere !

Waktu Solat

Waktu Solat icon

Application to show and notify prayer time for muslims in Malaysia

Chrome UA

Chrome UA icon

User Agent for Google Chrome ROOT REQUIRED

Smart Statusbar

Smart Statusbar icon

Smart Statusbar is the first and only Status bar enabler in full screen app.

Sensors Multitool

Sensors Multitool icon

The ultimate tool for the sensors of your smartphone.


VG icon

Who presents the most accurate weather forecast of and Find out!

Sunrise Sunset Calculator

Sunrise Sunset Calculator icon

Find the sunrise and sunset times at any location on the earth, for any date

Assitive Touch

Assitive Touch icon

Assistive Touch for Android

Apps Bar+

Apps Bar+ icon

Unleash your edges!