Android > Tools > General

GM Assistant

GM Assistant icon

Everything is easier with GM Assistant.

Mp3 Ringtone Factory

Mp3 Ringtone Factory icon

Use Mp3 Ringtone Factory to edit MP3, WAV, AAC audio files and create ringtones


Genialloyd icon

Download the app Genialloyd!


MeteoSwiss icon

Weather and Warnings from the National Weather Service

Quick Profiles

Quick Profiles icon

Create & activate profiles like you are used to from older mobile phones!

Adobe Fill & Sign DC

Adobe Fill & Sign DC icon

Fuss-free collaboration. Fill, scan and send your forms for contacts to sign.

3G Speed Booster

3G Speed Booster icon

"3G Speed Booster" to help you speed up your 3G internet effectively!


Infinit icon

Send files of unlimited size to your friends and move files between your devices


PowerMax icon

PowerMax - maximize your battery life!