Android > Tools > General

Everyday Calculator

Everyday Calculator icon

Calculator with unit converter and 70+ specific calculators for everyday needs

ASUS Router

ASUS Router icon

Manage, Secure and Boost your WiFi network.

GTA5 Cheats

GTA5 Cheats icon

Cheats GTA V is the best APP to find best GTA 5 cheats fast and easy way!

Universal Kernel Flash

Universal Kernel Flash icon

The best safe option to flash any kernel image, 3 taps and you are ready to go!

Wear Mini Launcher

Wear Mini Launcher icon

Your apps next to your finger


Verisure icon

Access your connected and protected home with the Verisure app.

Grumpy Weather Widget

Grumpy Weather Widget icon

Grumpy Weather Mood Based Weather


Rewards icon

Earn points. Burn points. Being a Samsung user has BIG Rewards!

Clean Master Theme

Clean Master Theme icon

Clean Master Theme is coming!It's for Clean Master and CM Launcher fans!

Smart Battery Monitor

Smart Battery Monitor icon

Smart Battery Monitor is a free Android app that displays the battery details.