Android > Productivity > Personal


GTasks icon

Synchronize Your To Do Tasks | List with Google

HK Deutsch (de) Dictionary

HK Deutsch (de) Dictionary icon

German completion dictionary for use with Hacker's Keyboard

iDO Calculators

iDO Calculators icon

A powerful smart calculator to customize digital life and scientific needs

Keep My Notes

Keep My Notes icon

Easy, efficient and very simple notepad.


@erfanandroid icon

Spy Camera [High Quality]

Anniversary Day Counter

Anniversary Day Counter icon

very simple personal anniversary and day counter widget


BetterNote icon

Better Note Notepad captures all your ideas and memos in your own style.

Log-In Keyboard

Log-In Keyboard icon

All-in-one switchable Korean Keyboard that contain all Korean keyboard layouts.

Caller ID Reader

Caller ID Reader icon

Caller ID Reader™ reads your incoming caller’s names aloud. App Speaks Caller-ID

Color ID

Color ID icon

Uses the camera on your phone to speak the names of colors in real-time.