Android > Productivity > Personal


VoiceAssist icon

Voice Assist is a handsfree voice assistant to text, email, post, tweet or call.

uHub plus

uHub plus icon

uHub plus is a cloud-based digital content storage service from HKT.


Shortcuts! icon

A library of keyboard shortcuts, combos, hotkeys, mnemonics and so on!


Keepy icon

Organize and save a photo album for your kids' artwork schoolwork and memories

Civil Quantity Estimator

Civil Quantity Estimator icon

Must have app for immediate quantity take off for construction elements.


Toodledo icon

Toodledo is a powerful productivity tool for organizing your to-do list and more


ThinDroid icon

The only RDP client which supports printing to Android attached printers!

mydlink View-NVR

mydlink View-NVR icon

The mydlink View-NVR app works exclusively with the mydlink Video Recorder.


SpritzVR icon

Read quickly and without any distraction with a cardboard viewer