Android > Lifestyle > General

Birthday Countdown

Birthday Countdown icon

Birthday countdown application for the people you care most!

Consultoria Natura

Consultoria Natura icon

All you need for a successful Beauty Consulting is here!


namsebhagya icon

Know about your future just by your name.

IKEA Store

IKEA Store icon

The "IKEA Store" app is your personal in-store shopping companion.

La Biblia de la Mujer

La Biblia de la Mujer icon

Get the best carefully selected for today's woman verses.


StartPage icon

The privacy-friendly search engine where you can also view websites anonymously.

Prayer Time Complete

Prayer Time Complete icon

The most comprehensive Salat times guide, Qibla direction, and Azan alarm.

3D Home Designs Layouts

3D Home Designs Layouts icon

3d home designs contains lots of latest layout for your house.

My Play Home Decoration Games

My Play Home Decoration Games icon

Decorating houses has never been more fun – get the latest dollhouse games now!