Android > Lifestyle > General

Flat Kakao

Flat Kakao icon

KakaoTalk Theme Flat


PizzaHut icon

Pizza Hut app allows you to order from anywhere at the best pizza in the world.

R Calendar

R Calendar icon

a simple calendar -- it is an application.

Sleep as Android

Sleep as Android icon

Track your sleep cycle and wake up gently with nature sounds in optimal phase

Astrology & Horoscope

Astrology & Horoscope icon

Horoscope with accurate calculation and predictions based on vedic astrology.


Cashtree icon

Aplikasi digunakan 15 Juta User, Terdepan dan No. 1 di Indonesia.


FrasesParaFotos icon

Phrases and images according to how you feel or to illustrate your own photo

Lojas Renner

Lojas Renner icon

Buy the best of Renner online: women's, men's and children's fashion and more!


Nettiauto icon

Nettiauto, Finland's largest car exchange site, also available as an Android app.