Android > Lifestyle > Fitness

Meld / Peld

Meld / Peld icon

Calculates the Meld/Peld score following the UNOS modification.


Shopwise icon

The application to choose the best food!

Critical Peds

Critical Peds icon

Everything peds that you need when the clinical scenario becomes critical


Skingredients icon

Instantly spot comedogenic / acne-causing ingredients in products before you buy

Daily Yoga for Abs Advanced (Plugin)

Daily Yoga for Abs Advanced (Plugin) icon

★ A PRO plugin of Daily Yoga which does NOT OPEN on its own


MoodOScope icon

A mood tracking app that doubles as a Mood Journal & Mood Analyser!


Worfit icon

Get fit with Worfit, plans fitness routines at home or in the gym

Yoga for Healthy Menstruation

Yoga for Healthy Menstruation icon

★ A PRO plugin of Daily Yoga which does NOT OPEN on its own.


NatomViewer icon

The application of therapeutic education