Android > Productivity > Education & Languages

EduLanche AIIMS

EduLanche AIIMS icon

Crack AIIMS MD/MS with EduLanche Student AIIMS. All MCQs from 2001-2012 papers.


eduoceanCDx5hindi icon

Learn CoralDrawX5 in Hindi Online tutors -for PC &mobile - Eng or Hindi or Tamil


BTMobile icon

World-class educational resources. Accessible. Free, from BiblicalTraining.


BTTLearner icon

You mobile BTT test kit on the go!

Damn cat

Damn cat icon

Now you can read a book in English

Hindi GK

Hindi GK icon

Play General Knowledge in Hindi

SQL Tutorial

SQL Tutorial icon

Complete Description of all SQL topics with Editor where you can run SQL queries

Computer Science MCQ

Computer Science MCQ icon

App contains MCQ’s on various important topics of Computer Science.

Toddler Preschool

Toddler Preschool icon

70 exciting educational games for toddlers and preschoolers