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Surah Maryam Urdu

Surah Maryam Urdu icon

Surah Maryam ( مريم ) with Urdu اردو translation and Urdu audio recitation.


TheMarriageApp icon

The Marriage App provides a daily boost to help you strengthen your marriage.

How To Write a Book

How To Write a Book icon

How To Write a Book brings well researched information about book publishing.


Imaanify icon

Imaanify provides Islamic prayer times, halal/haram look-up and video lectures.

The Prisoners Act (India), 1900

The Prisoners Act (India), 1900 icon

The COMPLETE Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 in a Readable & Searchable format

Meaning of Dreams

Meaning of Dreams icon

Know the Meaning of Dreams in English and Hindi with Search सपनो का मतलब जानें

Russian Bible and Gospel Songs

Russian Bible and Gospel Songs icon

Bible, Song of Revival and 3 youth song books


Gitabitan icon

Complete Gitabitan with information from books & YouTube links in one place

Qurani Wazaif

Qurani Wazaif icon

Qurani Wazaif Urdu Zaban Ma