Android > Productivity > Comics & Book Readers


StRita icon

The Saint Of Impossible


Wiccan icon

Witchcraft spells for all ocassions and wicca guide for beginners


IELTS Guide icon

A handy IELTS guide

Noor Al-Aashiqin

Noor Al-Aashiqin icon

Noor Al-Aashiqin include set of Doaa and Ziyarat that is beneficial for everyone


VINEMobile icon

The mobile version of VINE, the National Victim Notification Network.

Munthakhab Ahadees

Munthakhab Ahadees icon

Munthakhab Ahadees is official Android App in English & Tamil by Darul Marashid.

UX Companion

UX Companion icon

A handy glossary of user experience (UX) theories, tools and principles.

Malayalam to English Dictionary

Malayalam to English Dictionary icon

Download world's most popular Malayalam - English Dictionary for Phones/Tablets.