Android > Productivity > Comics & Book Readers

Wallpapers Poe

Wallpapers Poe icon

Macabre wallpapers inspired on the stories of The Master of Terror, E. A. Poe


Hedis icon

Hedis Azerbaycanın kitab. 40 məclis - 1000 hədis (Əhməd Dehqan)

PCA - Prevention of Corruption Act (India) 1988

PCA - Prevention of Corruption Act (India) 1988 icon

The COMPLETE Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 in a Readable & Searchable format

New Malaysia GST

New Malaysia GST icon

Your quick and easy mobile reference to Malaysia GST and GST calculator


TheRightToInformationAct icon

The Right to Information Act, on your Android devices in English & Hindi Audio


RusTajEng icon

Russian-Tajik dictionary; English-Tajik dictionary; Russian-English dictionary;

Namaz e HAnfi

Namaz e HAnfi icon

Namaz contains Muslims's prayers which every Muslim should memorise in Urdu font

Recetas Chilenas

Recetas Chilenas icon

Chilean Recipes for Everyone!